Thursday, June 4, 2009

Space Opening Up

So tonight I was thinking about my Myspace. Namely because Jenna was thinking about deleting her account it kinda got me on a thinkin' train as well. I know Josh deleted his awhile back but has since found at least one social networking replacement. I'm not really on the hunt here to find a replacement. This is more of a "have less crap to check on a daily basis." So thank you Josh and Jenna for showing me the way to be more like Tyler Durden and just let go. Let the chips fall where they may. I'm not my khakis and I'm not my Myspace. Goodbye Tenacious Lee.


Abhijeet Koli said...


Perno said...

I don't get why you guys are deleting them. I just don't check mine and most of the time forget it's there. True, I might as well delete it since I never use it but that means I'd have to go to the site dice!